In addition to the article in Global Sisters Report, the National Catholic Reporter’s Earthbeat also covered the conservation easement at Assisi Heights, featuring an interview with Sister Ramona Miller: https://www.ncronline.org/news/earthbeat/franciscan-sisters-demonstrate-different-paths-creating-conservation-easement.
Sister Lauren Weinandt, Age 100, was the article featured in the September-October 2021 issue of Rochester Women Magazine. To view, go to: https://rwmagazine.com/rwm/ and select page 27 in the current (September-October) issue.
Leaving a Legacy – Sister Edith and Cojourner Jean Zamboni received a wonderful send-off from the Owatonna community in anticipation of their move to Rochester after 97 years. An appreciation coffee was held at the Steele County Historical Society on September 20, 2021. Click here to read one of the articles: http://steelecountytimes.com/news-community/zamboni-sisters-get-heartfelt-sendoff?fbclid=IwAR23MKDFxMhNDmlxNvXP56q4DLEAsqjMSERhzXwI74-82gyksNX0b5EUOGY
Below is a photo collage created for the occasion:
In addition, these two articles are available to view on the Community Room Bulletin Board. They were featured in the Blooming Prairie news, but are not available online:
September 21, 2021 – Page 2A – “End of an era as Zamboni sisters say farewell to Owatonna”
September 25, 2021 – Page 7B – “Owatonna’s well-known twins to move away after 97 years residency in their home town.” Thank you to Sister Franchon for sharing these articles.
In honor of her 90th Birthday, on September 21, 2021, Sister Ruth Snyder’s niece created a life story video for her. You may view it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ql9miqurBq8 or look on Google for Sister Ruth Snyder – YouTube.
Sister Marlys Jax was interviewed by KTTC-TV on September 27, 2021, about Human Trafficking: https://kttc.com/2021/09/27/rochester-trafficking-advocate-reacts-to-r-kelly-guilty-verdict/
Episode 22 of the Engaging Franciscan Wisdom podcast, God’s Love and our Belonging: beyond all containment, is available for listening. Join Franciscan Cojourner and musician Cathy Tisel Nelson as she breaks open the beauty of belonging, the mystery of God’s love poured out in Jesus, the gift of the Holy Spirit, and the invitation for us to respond in love. Click the link to listen and to see the accompanying show notes:
This is the link to the broader website with additional episodes and information: https://engagingfranciscanwisdom.org.