Jan Manahan
Cojourner Coordinator
Sister Sue Reif
Volunteer Coordinator
Is this the time in your life when you feel challenged to a passage, something new, a change? Are you being challenged to be all you can be? Is the unique “seed” planted in you at the beginning of your life growing, moving, developing, changing?
Consider investigating a relationship with the Sisters of Saint Francis.
Support and mentoring are gifts we can offer from rich experiences in every type of service and ministry, and in the challenge of growing in a spiritual life.
If you have any questions about:
- Rochester Franciscans
- Becoming a Franciscan Sister
- Becoming a Cojourner
Click on the button below to send an email.
Become a Rochester Franciscan Sister
Becoming a Sister
What kind of woman becomes a Franciscan Sister? She comes from a variety of backgrounds and career paths. This woman:
- is responsive to the needs of others.
- has the ability to invite and enable others to use their gifts.
- resonates with the Franciscan Charism (way of life).
- has a prayerful spirit and a love for the Gospel.
- is attracted to simple living.
- has the desire to live a life in a community of Sisters.
- demonstrates care and concern for all God’s people.
Consider the Call if You
- are in good physical and psychological health.
- have a passion for prayer as a foundation to your actions.
- are committed to be a compassionate presence for peace in our world and strive for justice and reverence for all of creation.
- have the enthusiasm to respond to God wholeheartedly within the community.
- desire to follow Jesus in the spirit of Saint Francis, Saint Clare and Mother Alfred Moes.
For more information on the steps to become a Franciscan Sister, please call 507-282-7441.
Become a Sister
For more information on the steps to become a Franciscan Sister, please call 507-282-7441.
Become a Cojourner
Are you looking…
to grow deeper spiritually? Are you searching for something “more” in your life? Would you like spiritual enrichment and support within a community that fosters Gospel values?
If you responded “yes” to any of these questions, the Sisters of Saint Francis and the Cojourners of Rochester, Minnesota, invite you to explore Cojourning.
What is Cojourning?
Cojourning describes a relationship in which individuals and the Sisters of Saint Francis desire to journey together, or “co-journey”, sharing their lives, prayer, mission and ministry in the spirit of Saints Francis and Clare of Assisi and the foundress, Mother Alfred Moes. Cojourner is the name given to a lay associate with the Sisters of Saint Francis of Rochester, Minnesota.
Who are Cojourners?
They are adult women and men who extend the Franciscan charism of joy and reverence for all creation where they live, in their families and work places, and may be:
• single or married,
• from various backgrounds,
• of various faith traditions, and
• vowed, ordained, or secular laity.
Cojourners are not members of the Congregation of the Sisters of Saint Francis of Rochester, Minnesota. Instead, they seek to share their life’s journey in mutuality of spirit with the Sisters and with each other.
Cojourners and Sisters seek to build community with each other because of their desire for spiritual growth, support and mission.
They share common values as:
• belief in God,
• reverence for life,
• interdependence of all the universe,
• concern for the poor, care of the earth, and
• commitment to justice and peace.
We invite you!
Get to know the Sisters and Cojourners. Join them on retreats, days of reflection and various events. You will have an opportunity to grow spiritually with their support.
Click Here to view our Cojourner Application, please print and mail back.
Click Here to view our full Cojourner Brochure
“Cojourning has been one of my most important lifetime journeys. The strong Franciscan women have guided me with their compassion, wisdom and rich lifetime experiences. The Franciscans have led me to pursue opportunities of grace, spiritual endeavors and personal growth. I have been given the gift of experiencing the holiness of life and the deep connections with community, faith, prayer and service.”
– Cojourner Melinda Holtegaard
“Cojourning is a precious gift to our Franciscan Community. Cojourners partner with us in respectful mutuality as together we build up our global community. Personally they have inspired me by their lives and commitment to their covenant. As friends and companions they enliven and give light to our common journey. I have been connecting with Cojourners for over 20 years.”Thanks to our partners, you can find ties online to suit every preference and budget, from budget to top-of-the-range super stylish models.
– Sister Bernadine Jax
Become a Cojourner
For more information on the steps to become a Franciscan Cojourner, call 507-282-7441.
Volunteer Opportunities
Assisi Heights welcomes volunteers and has opportunities to fit most schedules. If you enjoy leading or helping with art projects, music sessions, movies, “coffee talk” discussions, making popcorn, sitting and visiting with Sisters, accompanying Sisters to clinic appointments, decorating for holidays or planning celebration events, please consider volunteering at Assisi Heights.
We are also open to other ideas you might have of ways in which you can use your talents to enhance the lives of the Sisters at Assisi Heights.
Orientation will be provided for new volunteers.
Click Here to view our Volunteer Handbook
Click Here to view: 50 years of Volunteer Services at Assisi Heights
For more information on how to become a volunteer, contact Sister Sue Reif at 507-282-7441, ext 556 or at sue.reif@rochesterfranciscan.org.
PLEASE NOTE: Due to COVID-19 and the Variants, all volunteers must be fully vaccinated and wear a mask at all times while volunteering inside Assisi Heights.