Sister JoAnn Chevalier renewed her vows during the Mass on January 6, 2019. She renewed her vows for three years, and we prayed for her that she would know our prayerful support and lively faith during these years of preparation for her final vows. (Sister JoAnn is shown below at the podium on the right, with Sister Ramona Miller, Congregational Minister, left.)
Sisters Ruth Snyder and Marlys Jax participated in a news conference for the start of a new legal defense fund for local immigrants facing deportation.
- Post Bulletin:
- To view a short statement on Immigration as part of the November edition of the Diocese of Winona-Rochester Social Concerns newsletter, click on this link:
Sister Patricia Fritz wrote an article on ‘gratitude’ titled: Living with Hope is the Challenge,” for the Generations of TODAY magazine, a regional monthly publication for senior adults and others.