Dear Friends,
Greetings from the Assisi Heights Spirituality Center!
The past fifteen-month-long pandemic plummeted us to pause, ponder, prioritize and purge. We are left powerless. We are puzzled as to where to start to process this new plague. Assisi Heights Conservation Easement of Mother Earth presented the potential for reflection! We are receiving these ‘penny postcards’ as if being tutored by the environment:
Dandelions get up early.
Rhubarb waits to be plucked.
Petunias teach humility.
Onions begin life in the dirt.
Lilies request a genuflection.
Roses do not find fault with Zinnias.
Every leaf has compassion in its veins.
Tom Turkey wears colorful underwear.
Brother Fox combs his tail.
Soil holds secret potential.
Morning mist quiets the mind.
Rain blesses our Mother, the earth.
This ‘plague,’ which may or may not be complete, coaches us to give priority to the verbs… Getting up, waiting, genuflecting, practicing humility and compassion, living without judging, preening, finding the potential, and bestowing a blessing on all we meet. We promise our purpose at Assisi Heights Spirituality Center is to yield to messages on these postcards!
During this time of uncertainty, we want to say how much we value your relationship. Many of our events are now offered via Zoom, which has allowed us to welcome participants near and far. With no travel limitations, and no dress code concerns, we hope to increase our circle of invited guests. And, although we are not yet fully open to the public, we are hosting a few outdoor events with limited attendance.
So please continue to share our offerings with friends and family beyond southeastern MN. Similarly, we invite you to give us suggestions for programs you might like to see at Assisi Heights. Any themes, issues, and ideas that can broaden and enhance our offerings are welcome!
To view our current offerings, click here: 2021 AHSC Fall Programs. Please check our event calendar often at: www.rochesterfranciscan.org/events for updates and registration. Note: All event times are listed as Central Time Zone.
Sister Marlys Jax
Assisi Heights Spirituality Center
ahsc@rochesterfranciscan.org | 507-529-3524