Dear Friends,
Christmas greetings from the Assisi Heights Spirituality Center! We wish you blessings and joy amidst the religious and cultural traditions of this season.
We are facing three crises: a pandemic with a possible end in sight; an economic crisis threatening global stability; and a divided country. Anxiety, whether active or suppressed, is warping our ability to respond collectively and with hope.
During this holiday time of uncertainty, we want to take time to say how much we value your relationship. We miss being connected. We do not want to be in social isolation. It is a time to continue educating ourselves, reflecting, and taking the opportunity to explore new interests or favorite pursuits in our community or through worldwide interconnections.
We believe in the health and safety of all. Unfortunately, the COVID-19 invasion has isolated Assisi Heights. It has pushed us to pivot into other ways of connecting. Zoom has become our constant companion. It has allowed us to welcome participants near and far. With no travel limitations, and no dress code concerns, we hope to increase our circle of invited guests in the New Year, thus expanding our topics and presenters. We hope you stay with us, as we expand our horizons. The list of presenters joining us this winter and spring semester hail from Washington, Oregon, Georgia, and within our state from Duluth, St. Paul, St. Cloud, and Minneapolis.
We invite you to share our offerings with friends and family beyond southeastern MN. Similarly, we invite you to give us suggestions for programs you might like to see at Assisi Heights. Any themes, issues, and ideas that can broaden and enhance our offerings are welcome!
Please check our event calendar often at for updates and registration.
Sister Marlys Jax
Assisi Heights Spirituality Center | 507-529-3524