Sister Phyllis Sellner shares the following link and comments:
“Our Sisters have donated much to this cause, including a recent gift [from the Congregation] for food, and also many individual Sisters’ donations, which they send to me. I go to the Mexicali shelter whenever I have an opportunity. And even though I do not know Spanish, I communicate in many other ways.”
NEW CD: “Hearts on Fire!”
Cathy Tisel Nelson, Cojourner, has just released her fourth CD entitled “Hearts on Fire!” This album includes several songs used at the Annual Franciscan Federation conferences over the past two years. “Hearts on Fire,” “Now Is the Time,” “Holy Spirit, Come,” and “Love Is the Reason.” It also includes a new version of “Prayer before the Crucifix.” Enjoy two prayerful mantras, “Loving Light” and “We Long for Peace.” Check out Cathy’s website at cathynelsonmusic.com for all her albums, CDs, mp3 digital album downloads, and physical and PDF versions of all accompaniment books. You can also listen to audio clips of every song. Keep your Franciscan charism burning with this enlivening music!
Published in Mayo Clinic’s “In the Loop” newsletter on July 14, 2023:
How Mayo’s four resident Sisters live out the Mayo and Franciscan values every day, by Axel Gumbel – https://intheloop.mayoclinic.org/2023/07/14/how-mayos-four-resident-sisters-live-out-the-mayo-and-franciscan-values-every-day/
Used with permission of Mayo Foundation for Education and Research:
Sister Lauren’s final words for Mayo Clinic staff
Prior to her passing on Monday, July 31, Sister Lauren Weinandt asked that the following letter be shared with Mayo Clinic staff.
My Dear Fellow Colleagues,
When people would stop at my office, I was often asked, “What do you think Mother Alfred would say if she saw the hospital and clinic today?” In 1889, when Mother Alfred and her fellow Sisters began Saint Marys Hospital, a little-known story is that she was transferred from the hospital by the bishop right after it was opened and never really ran the hospital she founded. She never saw how great Mayo Clinic was to become.
I am asked, “Wasn’t she sad?” And I say, “No.” It was written that as she left, she quoted the words of St. Francis: “We are asked to plant the seeds today for fruit we will never see.” So, as I leave Saint Marys, I pass this legacy and the vision of Mother Alfred to you. My wish is to leave this place of hope and healing better than you found it as you pass it to the next generation.
The work is never finished. We are continually called to change, to innovate and to improve patient care.
Thank you all for your faithful service.
Be kind to each other. Fill the halls of Mayo with laughter. Don’t speak of me as if I am gone. Remember, like Mother Alfred, the Sisters are always at your side. The best way to honor me is to continue the good work started in 1889.
I am grateful for the hard work of all of you in the dedicated care of our patients, especially the many people who have cared for me in my final days here.
I am grateful to Mayo Clinic for enabling the Sisters to do good work.
You are No. 1 in my book, and we will continue to be No. 1 in the world.
I could not have achieved anything without the support of my family and fellow Sisters. When I was young, I dreamed of traveling the world to help others. Instead, at Mayo, the world came to me.
God bless you,
Sister Lauren