Meet The Sisters
We invite you to SCROLL DOWN down and find out more about individual Sisters of Saint Francis. Hear their unique stories, and shared experiences. Some things you will learn, include:…
- Why did they choose to become a Rochester Franciscan?
- What is their passion?
- How have their ministries impacted others, as well as themselves?
Sisters Stories (2023)
The stories below were recorded in October of 2024.

Sister Ann Redig
“My life as a Sister has been, I would say, with ups and downs, but mostly because with the support of Community, and continual enrichments and readings, Community meetings—well, basically Sister support—it is such an enriching, supportive life.”
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Alice Redig

Sister Carmen Sonnek
“The gift of sharing a life, God’s life that [was] given to me, and the expanded family and Community improved so much. And being present with that Community, my healthcare presence was God’s gift in my life among them, and not so much what I know or was educated in, but how I lived my presence with them as a neighbor, as friend, and as health care nurse—it was a gift both ways.”
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Sister Carmen Sonnek

Sister Dale Lewis
“It’s been very good. And we do have a lot of things that we do together. And we have special meetings and, things like that. So I am happy to be with all the Sisters. When I look at them, I see Jesus as a grown up. I saw children as Jesus as a little child. So, I still have carried that into my life here.”
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Sister Dale Lewis

Sister Darleen Maloney
“I have made sure that everything that I did came from my spirituality as well as who I was. My life as a Sister has been years of developing the idea that we are all one in the love of God and should trust in God, and all will be well.”
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Sister Darleen Maloney

Sister Dorothy Hansen
“I’m not a young lady anymore, but I want to keep doing for the good of humanity. Because that’s what we’ve been in it for. We have been here to serve the people of God. And in the process, make all of them stronger, too.”
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Sister Dorothy Hansen

Sister Karen Collette
“…And I have found being very accepted for a different background; being a younger member of the Community, there’s a very welcoming spirit here. I think living religious life today is not easy because there are so many lifestyles now that are [available]. There’s less coming together as a religious. However, I still think there’s a strong sense of community that can be built this way, with people that have a spiritual sense to them.”
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Sister Karen Collette

Sister Marisa McDonald
“Yesterday we celebrated the birthday of a Sister who was 100 years old. And that is just so marvelous. The kind of example that she is… and that so many others have shown how to live such rich lives and to have the joyful spirit. The joyful spirit while doing the work is what attracted me to the Franciscans and to this particular Community and to the women that I got to know in my early days.”
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Sister Marisa McDonald

Sister Martha Mathew
“My life as a Franciscan Sister has been full—full of working and full of getting to know people and, enjoying nature and visiting other places, especially in South America. I’ve loved being a Franciscan Sister. I was taught by Benedictines. But when I entered the Community and learned about Saint Francis and Saint Clare, I realized I belong here.”
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Sister Martha Mathew

Sister Mary Beth Burns
“The Rochester Franciscans appealed to me because they were happy to see me in this Community. I went to high school and to college with two other Communities that were very nice and everything, but there was something about the Franciscans that exuded a kind of happiness and joy. They were glad that they were in the Community and able to share their lives with other people.”
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Sister Mary Beth Burns

Sister Mary Goergen
“I can’t remember any major difficult kind of years. I generally just did whatever I was expected to do and enjoyed it. And I am looking forward to what the next phase might be. I think I might volunteer up in health care to see if I can be of service up there.”
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Sister Mary Goergen

Sister Monessa Overby
“I had a wonderful life. It was right for me. I’ve been content. I keep growing. I think one of the things about being a part of the Community is because what one person can do, a whole group can do more. I always believe that where one of us were we all were — that our way of being committed to making a better world, made our lives very meaningful.”
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Sister Monessa Overby

Sister Theresa Hoffmann
“I loved every place that I went and each had their own personalities, so to speak. I loved the quote from Jeremiah that said that “I have a place for you.” I always liked that, and that place is what you have for the future. Bringing hope.”
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Sister Theresa Hoffmann

Sister Tierney Trueman
“My life as a Sister has brought me to understand the incredible gift that comes to us when God calls, [and] what Jesus reminds us: “You didn’t choose me, I chose you.” Looking back, that’s been such a path of my life. You didn’t choose me. I chose you. And another quote I like comes from Jeremiah, “I know the plans I have for you. Plans for prosperity, not harm. A future filled of hope.” I live that — the challenges, the satisfactions, the joys, the sufferings. Every day.”
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Sister Tierney Trueman