Sister Tierney Trueman was interviewed by KAAL-TV on August 22nd: https://www.KAALtv.com/rochester-minnesota-news/a–look–back–at–the–history–of–mayo–clinic/6555888/?cat=10151
Here is another mention of the Sisters of Saint Francis and the Tornado. (They didn’t contact us for information or fact-checking.) https://bringmethenews.com/minnesota-weather/the-anniversary-of-the-ef-5-tornado-that-spawned-the-mayo-clinic
Sister Patricia Schlosser’s letter to the editor was published in the Rochester Post Bulletin on August 13: https://www.postbulletin.com/opinion/letters/letter-why-was-sisters-fence-message-vandalized
Sister Lauren Weinandt has been requested to share her voice at Mayo Clinic on two recent occasions:
A quote was requested for the Mayo Clinic newsletter referencing the passing of Craig Smoldt: “The handshake between the Sisters and Mayo Clinic was kept alive by Craig Smoldt. He treated us with respect and integrity as he worked with us to restore our properties and with compassion as we face the challenges of age. So much of what he did was known by God alone. May his reward in heaven be great.” – Sister Lauren Weinandt
[Craig Smoldt, who died on August 5, was often seen in the corridors of Assisi Heights. Among other things, he was instrumental in obtaining the statue of Francis for the Clare Reflection space, and arranging for its delivery from Italy to Assisi Heights.]
And then on Friday, September 9, Sister Lauren took part in the dedication ceremony of the new Nasseff Tower on the Mayo Clinic Hospital – Saint Marys Campus.