Rochester Franciscans were contributors and participants to the opening of the new SEMVA Gallery in the Kahler Grand Hotel, on the lobby level. SEMVA (Southeast Minnesota Visual Artists) hosted an “Art and Hors D’ Oeuvres” event in the eve of November 2. Art of all venues, food and music was provided. Forty artist members showed their creations in the new corner space and in 2 large rooms up on the Mezzanine floor.
Sister Cecily Schroepfer played music on the two Grand Pianos. Next page top left: A nice crowd of Sisters who attended the event and are standing around the piano (next page, top left.) Three SEMVA Members and artists: Ginni Cormack (seated), Barb Agerter (left), and Sister Bernadine Jax (right) on the next page. SEMVA was pleased with the turnout and hopes the news will spread so that all those looking for unique and handmade items will be able to purchase them before the Holidays. SEMVA is open each day except for Sundays and Mondays.
Sister Bernadine Jax, SEMVA Board Member
Thanks so the volunteers, Cojourners and Sisters, who picked apples and those who supervised on this anniversary day of our October 16, 1955 memory of “Apple Harvest Completed—6,000 bushels.” So now these volunteers are part of our history of apple picking at Assisi Heights!
Seated: Sister Martha Matthew. Standing: Sister Claren Sellner, Sister Alice Thraen, Charlie Farrell, Jean Rynda, Lisa Dillon, Sister Avis Schons, and behind and next to Sister Avis are Gene and Rachel Mullenbach.
Below left: Jean Rynda, Sister Alice and Lisa Dillon. Below right: The Mullenbachs