Archives Office
Sister Marisa McDonald (email) or call: 507-282-7441
Assisi Heights Spirituality Center
Sister Marlys Jax, Program Coordinator (email) or call: 507-529-3524
Bob Taraba, Event Coordinator (email) or call: 507-280-2195
Cojourner Office
Teri Sanneman, Cojourner Coordinator (email) or call: 507-282-7441
Communications, Public Relations and Web Site
Kathy Gatliff (email) or call: 507-529-3523
Executive Assistant’s Office
Michelle Taswell (email) or call: 507-282-7441
Employment at Assisi Heights
Judy Rud, Director of Human Resources (email) or call: 507-282-7441
Mission Advancement / Giving
Brooke Rice-Stivers, Mission Advancement Coordinator (email), or call: 507-282-7441 x 545
Prayer Requests: https://rochesterfranciscan.org/prayer-request/ or call: 507-529-3539.
Tours, Mass Times, and Gift Shop Hours
- https://rochesterfranciscan.org/visit-assisi-heights/
- For general info (email) or call: 507-282-7441