Because of the prominence and history of Assisi Heights, as well as its picturesque setting, requests are often made to photograph or videotape on the grounds or in the building. Assisi Heights is the private residence of the Sisters of Saint Francis, located on private property. Since this is not a public venue, we hope you respect and understand our need to prohibit photography to protect the privacy of our residents.
In general:
1. Assisi Heights is not available as a venue for photography reproduced for sale or published on web sites. We wish to limit our public representation to photos on our own web site..
2. Professional/non-professional photographs (wedding, graduation, prom, family groups, etc.) on the grounds or in the building is prohibited.
3. On rare occasions, special permission may be given only if the person making the request has a connection with the Sisters of Saint Francis [i.e., Sister’s family member, a Cojourner or an employee at Assisi Heights] as long as it does not conflict with any scheduled activities on the property. Please note: if approved, the Sister, Cojourner or employee of Assisi Heights must be present during the photography session.
Please direct any inquiries to Kathy Gatliff, Director of Communications and Public Relations:
Thank you for your consideration and understanding.