Gospel: Lens for Living – May Retreat, Part 1 (via Zoom)
Cancelled due to presenter’s illness.
Gospel: Lens for Living Retreat – Part 1: (via Zoom)
Discipleship in the Gospels
Presenter: Dr. Anthony Gittins, C.S.Sp.
Thursday, May 18 (6:30pm) thru Sunday, May 21, 2023 (12:00pm) Central Time
Deadline for event is April 28
Pope Francis calls all the baptized to Missionary Discipleship. This retreat will explore the nature of discipleship, the call of Jesus, and the cost of following The Way. We will look at the Synoptic gospels, at both men and women disciples, and at the implications of discipleship for our own daily lives, whoever and wherever we may be.
Dr. Anthony (Tony) Gittins is from Manchester, England, and a Religious of the Congregation of the Holy Spirit (Spiritans). He was trained as a Social Anthropologist and spent a decade as missionary with the Mende people of Sierra Leone, West Africa. Subsequently, he taught Missiology/Anthropology at the Missionary Institute, London; and since 1984 at Catholic Theological Union, Chicago. Currently, as Emeritus Professor of Theology and Culture, he spends most of his time as itinerant retreat preacher and presenter of seminars and short courses, with emphasis on Intercultural Living and Missionary Discipleship.
Presenters will be in person at Assisi Heights, hosting two conferences per day, (livestreamed via Zoom), at 9am & 3:30pm, with Liturgy at 11:00am. Full schedule will be sent with registration confirmation.
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