Join Us for Retreats at Assisi Heights
We are pleased to invite you to register now for our 2025 Retreats at Assisi Heights! You may participate in person (as a commuter, or stay at Assisi Heights), or via Zoom. It is such a blessing that we can open our doors to others who are also longing for a retreat time.
The themes for the retreats are noted below. We have divided each retreat into two three-day sessions, which hopefully will make it more doable for you to attend these retreats, either for the full six days or one of the three-day sessions.
Blessings of Light and Truth guiding our way in 2025!
Sister Linda Wieser, Chair, Retreat Advisory Group
Celebrating the Gifts of Hope and Wholeness in Our Beautiful and Broken World
Presenter: Sister Melannie Svoboda, SND
Thursday, May 15 (6:30 pm) through Wednesday, May 21 (Noon) Central Time
(Part 1 & 2)
Hearing and Making Music in Francis’ Song of the Creatures
Presenter: John Petrikovic, OFM Cap.
Thursday, June 12 (6:30 pm) through Wednesday, June 18 (Noon) Central Time
(Part 1 & 2)
To Register for Retreats Sponsored at Assisi Heights, select the date on the event calendar, or print, complete, and return the registration form below:
2025 Retreat Registration Form